Future of Artificial Inteligence
15-26 July 2019 with over 100 session
Find out what you can achieve with New AI Technologies

The goal of MVML'19 is to gather scholars from all over the world to present advances in the relevant fields and to foster an environment conducive to exchanging ideas and information. This conference will also provide an ideal environment to develop new collaborations and meet experts on the fundamentals, applications, and products of the mentioned fields.

Be best who find out more about AI

    Get 2000+ talented people in here
    Hear from innovative researchers, talented CxOs, and senior developers who are doing amazing things with artificial intelligence.

    Main discussions

    Design thinking for all around the world
    Without human purpose, a computer is just a rock that we tricked into thinking—even if we add AI to it. Without human trust, we are only building novelties that won’t be used for real problems.
    Bringing AI into the enterprise
    Even as AI technologies move into common use, many enterprise decision makers remain baffled about what the different technologies actually do and how they can be integrated into their businesses.
    Leveraging AI in a large organization
    Alex Siegman and Kabir Seth walk you through the steps necessary to appropriately leverage AI in a large organization. This includes ways to identify business opportunities
    AI and the robotics revolution
    Current progress in AI has impacted all aspects of robotics, from physical control of robots (acting) to perception, learning, decision making and autonomy, and human interaction.
    01 - Networking
    02 - Social media
    03 - Crypto
    04 - Marketing

    Our Speakers

    Miguel Ramirez

    Harry Daniels is a passionate advocate for positive workplace culture. In his broad career spanning the higher education, for-profit, not-for-profit, and foundation sectors, he has focused his energy on developing creative means to build community.

    Henry Cooper

    Henry Cooper has a passion for both quality craftsmanship and people-focused management. He helped found Atomic’s strong culture, transparent management style, and industry-leading technical practices.

    Nick Townsend

    Nick Townsend developed an unwavering passion for delivering extraordinary experiences that positively impact the lives of his team members, the goals of their customers, and the fabric of the community

    Judy Jacobson

    Judy Jacobson bestselling author of No Sweat, and sustainable behavior change scientist, directs the University of Michigan’s Sport, Health, and Activity Research and Policy Center. She has translated science into sustainable behavior change

    Industry insights

    Funding on CAPS Initiative 01

    Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship. It is the act that grants resources with a new capacity to create wealth. Innovation, truly, creates a resource

    Marketing Tools In CX strategies 02

    A planned assembly of the people apparently related to some aspect of organisational or group function is called the meeting. They can be various principles of the meeting

    5 Creative Ideas for Conference Sessions 03

    Business conferences events meetings are very essential to the success of the organization. Events meetings advance and strengthen good working relationship.

    Office Goals For Sales Marketing 04

    The field of business analytics has improved significantly over the last few years, providing businessmen with better insights. It’s just like having a window open

    Academic Conference Search Engine 05

    The correct market timing to release the product plays a vital role in the success of the new company. Validating the results to attract additional resources

    Funding on CAPS Initiative
    Marketing Tools In CX strategies
    5 Creative Ideas for Conference Sessions
    Office Goals For Sales Marketing
    Academic Conference Search Engine

    Latest from blog

    January 30, 2019
    Academic Conference Search Engine

    The correct market timing to release the product plays a vital role in the success of the new company. Validating the results to attract additional resources

    January 30, 2019
    Office Goals For Sales Marketing

    The field of business analytics has improved significantly over the last few years, providing businessmen with better insights. It’s just like having a window open

    January 30, 2019
    5 Creative Ideas for Conference Sessions

    Business conferences events meetings are very essential to the success of the organization. Events meetings advance and strengthen good working relationship.


    General Sponsors

    Buy tickets to attend our event
    Find Us
    2005 Stokes Isle Apt. 896, Venaville 10010, USA
    Experience the conference wherever you are. Register now for online access. Tune in live for the keynotes and watch sessions on demand. Also be sure to join our event