These Terms & Conditions are valid for participation to the Festivalito Turco. By participating to the event, you agree to these terms.
The registration through the website
Participation is guaranteed after the pass or individual workshop or seminar tickets are paid.
It is not necessary to have a partner to join the milongas.
Cancellation Policy
Payments are NOT refundable after 01/05/2024 and there will be $25CAD administrative fee.
Cancellation by the Organizer
In case of force majeure related to the COVID-19 crisis, if the Organizer has to cancel the event, participants will be reimbursed their payments.
COVID Measures
The Organizer will apply the COVID measures dictated by the authorities, whatever they may be at the date of the event. In order to attend the event, participants will have to accept these measures.
Adjustment of Program
The organizer and/or the venue reserves the right to make alterations to the published program.
Responsibility for Injuries and Personal Belongings
All participants are attending the event at their own risk and the Organizer does not take any responsibility for participants’ injuries or health issues that might happen during the event. The Organizer does not take any responsibility for participant belongings. Damage claims against the Organizer are not possible. The participants are liable for damages to rooms, objects and to third parties caused by themselves.
By participating to the event, you consent to be photographed or filmed by a photographer who may be present at the event. The only aim of these photographs is to portray the festival. The Organizer is not responsible of the use external companies’ make of these photographs without previous permission.
Safe Environment
We believe in creating an environment where people in the tango community can learn, dance, grow and feel safe. Discrimination or harassment on the basis of sex, gender, national origin, ethnicity, religion, race, sexual orientation or disability will not be tolerated at all. The participant and Organizer promise to work together to keep dance spaces and venues safe and welcoming for all people.
*These terms and conditions may be updated from time to time without prior notice. Please consult them regularly…