Now, when American families hit the couch at 8 p.m., the TV is no longer king. Dad might be watching the big game live on ESPN, but little Becky and Billy are huddled around the iPad, streaming the latest Pixar movie from Netflix.

by turco1

Over the summer, the Edinburgh Festivals bring a wave of colour and soaring excitement to the city. Seven spectacular festivals proudly serve up the most incredible smorgasbord of culture you could ever imagine, filling the city’s performance venues.

by turco1

No matter what industry you’re in, money is the great unifier among small business owners. Whether you’re spending it, trying to keep track of it, or (hopefully) making it, money is always on your mind. And there are a few things every business owner needs.

by turco1

Last weekend, I wanted to watch a movie with my family. My wife was constantly asking me if I booked the tickets. I took my phone out from the pocket, opened the BookMyShow app and booked the tickets in few minutes.

by turco1

Most people are born creative. As children, we revel in imaginary play, ask outlandish questions, draw blobs and call them dinosaurs. But over time, because of socialization and formal education, a lot of us start to stifle those impulses.

by turco1

Companies acquire fixed assets as long-term tangible property. These assets are used in daily business operations to generate income for the business. Often referred to as the ‘capital’ of the business, they include items such as machinery and plant equipment.

by turco1

Post demonetization, the BharatQR payment mechanism has set a new benchmark being the world’s first interoperable payment acceptance solution. The integrated payment mechanism leverages the Quick Response (QR) code system for accepting payments

by turco1

Going to a music festival alone sounds pretty intimidating – especially when they’re usually full of big groups of friends…

by turco1

Bottlemen, JungleSziget is one of those festivals that could never spend another cent on marketing and still sell out every single year…

by turco1

Firefly is largely based in pop music, though frequently features it artists from a variety of genres as its headliners…

by turco1